Not very thought out...
So I'll just have to get this off my chest, first. The animation was the only thing that kept me going for the majority of the flash, though that's not saying much as a sprite flash. Now that I've said that, I'll get down to what I'm really thinking.
The plot was terrible. It had the cheesy gags of some kind of Scooby Doo cartoon, the dialogue was off, I mostly just mashed Space until some scenes were done. It's nothing more than an overrated spinoff, that definitely could've taken some more thought with what characters were going to say.
Next, the fights. Arguably the best and the worst part of this animation. The fights that you've had in the series in general have really just been brightly colored tennis matches amongst the characters that dragged on forever. But, they probably what you gave the most effort in. And in conclusion...
Think of something original. I'm tired of people making animations with a somewhat intriguing plot, good enough animation, and a setting and time they never made.